Choosing a Reception Venue for Your Wedding

Ah, the reception venue for your wedding. At the beginning of the planning process of your wedding. It’s one of the most important things on the list. We want people to have a good time and are ready to pay what we need to ensure that happens. Of course, then the...

Getting Fit for Your Wedding Day

Let’s be honest. We all want to look our very best on our wedding day. But no matter what our weight might be, looking our best also means having a healthy glow and being hydrated enough to dance the night away without collapsing from exhaustion. So before you start...

Opening Wedding Gifts: With or Without the Family?

The wedding is over, and it’s time to relax. You might be looking forward to the honeymoon, but there’s one more thing to get excited about before that: the presents! Now it might sound tacky, but let’s be honest: no matter how old you are, everyone gets excited about...

Grooms Tips for Surviving the Wedding Day

We’ve done plenty of articles to ease the bride’s stress for the wedding. However, the grooms out there may be feeling just a bit neglected. Hey, it’s their wedding too! So this one is for the fellas. If you plan on getting married soon, here are a few tips to...

Wedding Themes You Secretly Love

Talk of wedding themes can be very hit or miss with many couples. Some couples jump on the idea, while others are a bit gun-shy. It’s quite understandable why one would go against the idea of a theme wedding. After all, if you’re looking for classic and timeless, a...