Wedding Lingerie Tips

Your wedding dress is a huge part of your big day. So much so that it’s the first thing many brides run out to purchase as soon as they’re engaged. They call their parents, friends, and family to announce their engagement, then they hang up the phone and start looking...

4 Tips for Wedding Dress Shopping

Let’s be honest; back in the day when our grandmothers got married, shopping for a wedding dress was a very simple experience. If you didn’t have one that was being handed down to you or personally made for you by another family member, you went to the one dress shop...

July Wedding? Here’s How to Beat the Heat

A wedding in July? No matter where you are in the country, July is usually one of the hottest months of the year. It’s no wonder many brides begin second-guessing their decision to marry in July. However, not all is lost. Just because it’s hot doesn’t mean your...

Having a Bug-Free Outdoor Summer Wedding

Ah, the perfect sunset wedding. It’s been a pleasantly warm day. The air starts cooling down. The sun barely dips below the horizon. Everything couldn’t be more perfect. Until the bugs come out. Nothing is attractive about a huge mosquito covering your body in all...

How to Not Invite Guests to Your Wedding

Everyone you know would be invited to your wedding in a perfect world. And we’re talking everyone: your family, closest friends, semi-close friends (like your Friday night drinking buddies), coworkers, people that follow your blog, and even people you absolutely can’t...