Okay, fine, I admit it; when I picture planning my future wedding, I see myself spending countless hours hunched over the living room coffee table, desperately trying to pull off a gorgeous wedding at little to no cost (and succeeding with flying colors, by the way). However, another vision often enters my mind; the one where I am frolicking through department stores, crazy with the power only a gift registry gun can provide. I’m not proud of it, but damnit, I know I’m not alone. But I don’t want to have a wedding registry regret.

Alright, now let’s come back to reality for a second. The fact is your gift registry is a huge opportunity. Many couples aren’t just getting married. They’re also in the process of moving in together, buying a home, starting a family, or any other large milestone. Don’t waste your gift registry due to a slightly crazed (but most definitely earned) spending spree. So I’ve made a list of items that should be on your wedding gift registry. And trust me, while these may seem boring now, they will definitely come in handy later.

– Organizational Items. As previously mentioned, there will probably be a ton of milestones headed your way, so you’d better be organized. And yes, I understand that storage containers and label makers might not revive your engine, but this will be invaluable.

Good kitchen knives. Never mind the garlic press or the giant punch bowl you use only twice yearly. Get yourself some knives. I’m not talking about the set of knives you buy at 4:00 in the morning because you can’t sleep. I’m talking about the knife that costs significant money because it’s worth it. As an avid cook, I can’t even begin to explain the need for proper tools in the kitchen. Even if you are a takeout-five-nights-a-week person. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll appreciate a good knife in the kitchen.

– Bedding. This isn’t the time to look at the decorative sheets you’ll end up putting on the spare guest bed; this is the time to look for heavy-duty bedding supplies. A high-quality comforter, real pillows (not the ones you still have from college), even a sturdy mattress. You know, something you will be able to appreciate daily.

– Your honeymoon. A honeymoon is as much a part of your wedding as your reception, except it tends to be a bit pricier. What’s more, so many couples end up budgeting for the wedding but completely forget about the budget for the honeymoon! Instead of leaving yourself hung out to dry, consider one of the many sites that allows you to register parts of your honeymoon. Like one night’s stay, or a massage, or surfing lessons.

– Charity. Admittedly, a wedding is one of your life’s most openly selfish occasions. There’s the dress (no one else can wear white), the pressure (“C’mon, it’s for my wedding!”), and the authority (because the bride says so), so how about a little selflessness? A charity of your choice is a great way to include the less fortunate in your big day.


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